Raging Trump Privately Reveals It: He Knows He’s in Danger of Losing | The New Republic

Raging Trump Privately Reveals It: He Knows He’s in Danger of Losing

Amid new signs of Trump’s nervousness, an expert on authoritarianism explains how Harris’s optimism has wrecked his aura of inevitability—and why that’s key to beating him.

Donald Trump frowns
Rebecca Noble/Getty Images
Former President Donald Trump at the U.S.-Mexico border south of Sierra Vista, Arizona, on August 22

Over the weekend, Politico reported that Donald Trump has privately suggested to advisers that he knows he’s in danger of losing without dramatic changes to his campaign. Trump also raged over reports that he called in to Fox News during Kamala Harris’s convention speech to deliver an on-air response, whining that Fox had called him instead. We think Trump is rattled because the aura of his inevitable victory has been shattered. We talked to global affairs expert Asha Rangappaauthor of a good new piece on her Substack about the sources of Harris’s momentumwho explains why the puncturing of that aura is critical to defeating authoritarians like Trump. Listen to this episode here.