A tipster writes in with a question about this weekend's Values Voter Summit at the Washington Hilton hotel:
Do you think the organizers or attendees know they are working from the very same Washington Hilton stage that hosted the Miss Adams Morgan drag pageant last month?
Adds our correspondent of the pageant: "I'm still washing my eyes."
Update: Ambinder's reporting from the Values Voter shindig suggests Rudy won't get a terribly warm reception tomorrow morning:
Interviews with more a dozen attendees here, randomly chosen, suggest that they won't be receptive at all.
Not Carol Franz, wearing a green "Survivor of Adult Stem Cell Research" shirt.
"I'm basically going on life issues because I've gotten off the death bed twice in my life," she said.
When Giuliani speaks here tomorrow morning, I asked Steve Pickett of West Palm Beach, Florida, what he would like to hear?
"I resign. I'm out of the race," he said.
Beth Picket said he wouldn't vote for Giuliani under any circumstances.
"Not even if Hillary..."
--Michael Crowley