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Frontloaded Primary Schedule

Tight Ship: [Mark Leibovich, The New York Times]: "When asked about her as a manager, people who have worked for Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic senator from New York, described her as 'organized,' 'methodical' and 'disciplined.' They also note that those words were never applied to her husband, Bill Clinton."

The Fixer: [Benjamin Wallace-Wells, The Washington Post]: "Starting last fall, when Giuliani first called [Bill] Simon and said he was running for president, Simon, 56, has been more responsible than anyone for Giuliani's policy education, and he has been the agent charged with managing the sometimes eager, sometimes awkward relationship between the former mayor of a liberal city and the conservative establishment."


First Caucus: [Thomas Beaumont, The DesMoines Register]: "Iowa Democrats expect to set the party's presidential caucuses for Jan. 3, joining Republicans on the date that would allow Iowa to launch the 2008 nominating season while keeping the contests in the election year."'

First Primary: [John Distaso, New Hampshire Union Leader]: "Secretary of State William Gardner said yesterday that key developments in Iowa and Michigan this week could clear the way for New Hampshire to hold its first-in-the-nation presidential primary in early January, rather than December."

All Ron Paul, All the Time: [Julie Bosman, The New York Times]: "In the last two weeks, Mr. Paul — a Republican presidential candidate — has spent nearly a half-million dollars on radio advertisements in four early primary states, the first major media investment of his campaign. On Tuesday night, he will take a seat opposite Jay Leno."

Holy Alliance?: [Libby Quaid, AP]: "Sen. Sam Brownback pronounced himself 'much more comfortable' with Rudy Giuliani's position on abortion after the one-time rivals for the Republican presidential nomination discussed the issue Thursday."

--Ben Crair