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So They've Got At Least Two-and-a-half Months

"Imitating the Web, for the Busy Reader,"The New York Times
BusinessWeek's ad sales team has been previewing [its redesign] with clients. David Laverty, chief marketing officer of the software company Cognos, said he liked what he had seen of the redesign; he said he knew that Cognos's chief executive reads BusinessWeek while traveling. At least as long as there is no Internet available on airplanes, Mr. Laverty said, BusinessWeek will still have a niche.
"Check E-mail and Surf the Web -- at 35,000 Feet,"
"It used to be that stepping onto an airplane meant losing hours of precious e-mail time--legally mandated offline time. Not anymore. American Airlines and newly-launched Virgin America have both announced plans to offer in-flight broadband access to passengers next year, provided by AirCell, a Louisville, Col.-based airline communications firm."
Ben WassersteinUpdate