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Classy Obama

a lot wrong with"Barack the Magic Negro,"a call
HOST: "I have to do this because Rush is on our station and we'll see him tomorrow, have you heard the parody song, 'Barack the Magic Negro'?"
OBAMA: (Laughing.) You know, I have not heard it, but I've heard of it. I confess that don't listen to Rush on a daily basis. On the other hand, I'm not one of these people who takes myself so seriously that I get offended by every comment made about me. You know, the -- you know, what Rush does is entertainment, and although it's probably not something that, you know, I listen to much, I don't --

HOST: But you said not every day, so you do listen a little then, and why wouldn't you?

OBAMA: I don't mind. I don't mind folks poking fun at me. That's part of the job.
Eve Fairbanks