Black's Law | The New Republic

Black's Law

Tricoteuse ... literally translates from the French as a (female) knitter. The term is used to refer to the old women who used to sit around the Guillotine knitting during the Reign of Terror in France in the 18th century.
Vanity Fair
In their award-winning 2004 book, Wrong Way: The Fall of Conrad Black, Jacquie McNish and Sinclair Stewart report that Greenspan has made a deal with Black that every time Black, who is known for his rococo vocabulary, uses big words in the courtroom he will have to pay Greenspan--$50 for five-syllable words, $40 for four-syllable, $30 for three. "He talks like that when his shoes are off," Greenspan informs me. "But also something goes with those words. There is an appearance of a pompous arrogance."
Madame DefargeJames Kirchick