The Bush Family Psychodrama | The New Republic

The Bush Family Psychodrama

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As the House gets ready to begin debating the Iraq war today, President Bush has a piece of advice for his father: Turn off the television. It seems that former president George H.W. Bush has been getting agitated watching all the attacks on his son -- so much so that the current president said yesterday that he is worried for his father's well-being. "I am actually more concerned about him than I have ever been in my life, because he's paying too much attention to the news," the president told C-SPAN in an interview to be broadcast this morning. ...

Bush's comments were not the first hint at frustration inside the Bush family over his political troubles. After the November elections, which ousted Republican majorities from both houses of Congress, the elder Bush bristled at those disparaging his son. At a conference in the United Arab Emirates, he responded to Arab critics. "When your son's under attack, it hurts," he said.
not to have pleased me better!"Eve Fairbanks