We Are What We See, Eat, And Read | The New Republic

We Are What We See, Eat, And Read

by Eric Rauchwayreview Sicko
Sicko is not a movie about the 50 million Americans walking around without health insurance. is a movie about the other 250 million of us who have insurance, but are just as well and truly screwed. It's also about freedom, real freedom, not the empty kind that gets thrown around as a buzzword; the freedom to live your life with the certainty that forces beyond your control won't take away everything you have and everything you are. We don't have that kind of freedom here in America.
The entire Sicko audience had somehow formed an impromptu town hall meeting in front of the ladies room. I've never seen anything like it. This is Texas goddammit, not France or some liberal college campus. But here these people were, complete strangers from every walk of life talking excitedly about the movie. It was as if they simply couldn't go home without doing something drastic about what they'd just seen.
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