Post-debate, Clinton Picks Up Endorsement, Ire | The New Republic

Post-debate, Clinton Picks Up Endorsement, Ire

AFSCME Pushes One More Lady [Steven Greenhouse, The Caucus (NYT)]:

"Gaining one of the biggest endorsements that organized labor has to offer, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is to receive the endorsement at 1:30 p.m. today of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, a union official said today."

 More on AFSCME below.

Wrestling Russert [Tom Bevan, RealClearPolitics]:

"Blaming Russert [for yesterday's debate] is not only ridiculous, it makes Hillary and her campaign look like a bunch of spoiled children. Why not say, 'so we had one bad night out of a hundred' and leave it at that? Better yet, why say anything at all?"

Left Not Sold on Immigrant IDs [Ben Smith, Politico]:

"One reality check on driver's licenses for illegal immigrants: Obama and Edwards may win points for standing on principle, but they may also face attacks on the substance, and certainly will in a general election. Dodd, the only Democrat to clearly oppose Spitzer's plan, was playing to what even Democrats want."

Flip Floppers Unite [ Rich Lowry, The Corner]:

"I think, indirectly (and here I disagree with Kathryn), it was a bad night for Romney. If inauthenticity is one of [Clinton's] major vulnerabilities, you wouldn't naturally throw Romney into a fight with her, given—fairly or unfairly—his own problems on that front. Rudy and McCain match up with her much better on this theme."

 Girly Men: [Kathleen Reardon, Huffington Post]:

"A fascinating thing has occurred among the Democratic candidates. It's a kind of gender role reversal in communication style. Contrary to decades of research, the male Democratic presidential candidates sound more equivocal than the woman."

'President Richardson', Rare Sesquipedal [Christi Parsons, The Swamp]:

"A lot of demonstration chants follow the meter of middle English poetry," said Wells. It's "something deep in us" that drives us to phrase things this way."

--Dayo Olopade

Update: 'Sesquipedal' is usually used to refer to long words. The meter of 'President Richardson' is, in fact, a double-dactyl--used to perfection below by poet John Hollander:

"Twilight's Last Gleaming"

Higgledy piggledy,
President Jefferson
Gave up the ghost on the
Fourth of July.

So did John Adams, which
Shows that such patriots
Know how to die.