Seiu Brouhaha; Huckabee Courts Young Voters | The New Republic

Seiu Brouhaha; Huckabee Courts Young Voters

Union Blues [Philip Elliott, AP]: "Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards on Wednesday accepted the endorsement of the New Hampshire Service Employees International Union amid questions about the validity of the vote. According to those involved, the union's board voted Oct. 23 to endorse Sen. Barack Obama."

Health Reform in the Works? [Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Los Angeles Times]: "The leading small-business organization, a lobbying juggernaut that helped kill President Clinton's health plan in the 1990s, plans to announce today that it is signing up with a diverse political coalition promoting access to affordable healthcare for all. The National Federation of Independent Business will join AARP, the Service Employees International Union and the Business Roundtable -- which represents chief executives of major companies--in an umbrella group called Divided We Fail. The effort is aimed at ensuring that healthcare and retirement security are at the top of the presidential candidates' domestic agendas next year."

A Tough Question [Marc Santora, The New York Times]: "Like the debate over Iraq, the exchanges over granting licenses to illegal immigrants underscored the tensions for Mrs. Clinton as she seeks to court various interest groups who are the building blocks of winning the Democratic nomination."

Huck Reaches Out [Ben Adler, The Politico]: "Consistent with his self-promotion as the friendly face of conservatism, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has recently turned toward younger voters in his campaigning. On Tuesday, Huckabee spent an hour taking questions from Virginia high school students at the XM Radio office in Washington."

On the Air [Amy Lorentzen, AP]: "Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards calls on his party to 'have a little guts' and be a voice for working people in a television ad set to begin airing in Iowa on Thursday."

--Josh Patashnik