Pakistan Enters The Race, Keeps Rudy "up At Night" | The New Republic

Pakistan Enters The Race, Keeps Rudy "up At Night"

Bill Shills for Hill [Patrick Healy, New York Times]:

"Bill Clinton’s suggestion that his wife faced a Republican-style 'Swift boat' attack during and after the last Democratic debate drew a rebuke yesterday from Senator Barack Obama, who said, 'I was pretty stunned by that statement.' "

Pressure Drop [Philip Elliott, Associated Press]: 

"Edwards, speaking to voters at a Newmarket music hall yesterday, said his rivals aren't being honest about Iraq and should have to say whether they would continue combat missions and how soon they would bring all U.S. troops home."

Pakistan on the TrailWall Street Journal

The unfolding international crisis has forced the candidates to pivot from what had been the big foreign policy issues: the Iraq war and Iran's nuclear program. The Republican hopefuls largely defended the Bush administration's steps so far, while Democrats voiced criticism."

Rudy On the Big Screen [Brian Williams, MSNBC]: 

Rudy Giuliani goes one-on-one about Kerik, Clinton, the pre-9/11 years, and that Yankees comment.

Rudy Giuliani on Hillary, 9/11 and more

On Ethanol, We Trust?  [Jason Clayworth, Des Moines Register]:

"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said today that rival Hillary Clinton’s past record shows she’s anti-ethanol."

On Time, On Message [Jeff Zeleny, New York Times]: 

"Here in Iowa, punctuality in politics can be important. As candidates are aggressively working to court voters, any slight – even appearing late at a rally – can turn off voters."

--Dayo Olopade