Gop Debates; Dems Won't | The New Republic

Gop Debates; Dems Won't

Debate Wrap [Michael Cooper and Marc Santora, The New York Times]: "The Republican presidential candidates engaged in a slashing debate last night over immigration and other issues, confronting one another in testy exchanges that reflected the wide-open nature of the race in the final sprint toward the Iowa caucuses."

The Denial [Liz Sidoti, Associated Press]: "Rudy Giuliani dismissed a report Wednesday that he expensed the cost of his security detail to obscure city offices for trips to a Long Island resort as the then-mayor began an extramarital affair with current wife Judith Nathan."

New Swift-Boating? [Perry Bacon Jr. Washington Post]: "Rumors and e-mails circulating on the Internet continue to allege that Obama (D-Ill.) is a Muslim, a "Muslim plant" in a conspiracy against America, and that, if elected president, he would take the oath of office using a Koran, rather than a Bible."

Not Exactly Unbiased [Kenneth P. Vogel, The Politico]: "The retired general who asked about gays and lesbians serving in the military at the CNN/YouTube Republican debate on Wednesday is a co-chair of Hillary Clinton's National Military Veterans group."

Democratic Debate Off [Charlie McCollum, San Jose Mercury News]: "The Democratic National Committee Wednesday canceled a CBS presidential debate scheduled for Dec. 10 in Los Angeles because of a possible strike by the network's news writers and other news division employees."

--Josh Patashnik