Romney Speaks, Hugh Hewitt Swoons | The New Republic

Romney Speaks, Hugh Hewitt Swoons

Opposites Attract: [Ron Chusid, Liberal Values]: “In terms of a sensible statement on religion and politics, the speech was a disaster. This became apparent as soon as Romney claimed, ‘Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom.’ I’ve even heard George Bush show more respect to those who do not believe.”

“Not To Be Trusted”: [Hugh Hewitt, Hugh Hewitt]: “Mitt Romney's ‘Faith in America’ speech was simply magnificent, and anyone who denies it is not to be trusted as an analyst.  On every level it was a masterpiece.”

Catch Up: [Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report]: “The media has to play catch-up, and start putting [Huckabee] through his paces, and the rest of the GOP field has to redirect their focus to the new guy who’s had it too easy. …. So far, I think he’s struggling pretty badly.”

Man Crush: [Katha Pollitt, The Nation]: “Have you noticed how liberal white male reporters get crushes on right-wing male candidates? ... This time round, the so-called-liberal-media men's Republican sweetheart is Mike Huckabee.”

--Ben Crair