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Clinton Fires Adviser Over Obama Drug-use Quote

Obama Meets Freud: [Kevin Merida, The Washington Post]: “That visit set in motion a journey to make sense of his father, so that [Obama] could make sense of himself. It was the last time he would ever see his father, whose squandered promise and abandonment of his son have molded the man who is now running for president.”

Everything You Wanted To Know About Joe Biden But Were Too Afraid To Ask: [Elisabeth Bumiller, The New York Times]: “Mr. Biden has rebuilt his life, but the long-ago accident has become part of the narrative of his campaign and the most horrific of three major crises … that have created the liberated 65-year-old candidate of today.”

Clinton Just Says No To Bill Shaheen: [John Distaso and Tom Fahey, New Hampshire Union Leader]: “Bill Shaheen, one of New Hampshire's most powerful Democrats, resigned yesterday as co-chairman of Hillary Clinton's national and state campaigns after invoking Barack Obama's past use of illegal drugs…”

How Dodd Can Win: Relocate State of Connecticut to Iowa: [Mike Glover, AP]: “The major presidential campaigns are flooding the state with hundreds of field staffers, and there's at least some concern that those operatives could show up for the Jan. 3 precinct caucuses and distort the outcome of the opening test of the presidential nominating season.”

Polls: [American Research Group, National]: Clinton 41, Obama 22, Edwards 13, Undecided 10; Giuliani 21, Huckabee 21, McCain 18, Romney 16, Undecided 11; [CNN/Opinion Research, South Carolina]: Huckabee 24, Thompson 17, Giuliani 16, Romney 16, McCain 13, Paul 11; Clinton 42, Obama 34, Edwards 16.

--Ben Crair