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Beyond February 5; Paul Rakes In The Dough

The Rest of the Country Might Matter! [Adam Nagourney, The New York Times]: "As campaigns try to keep up with this fast-paced, multi-layered campaign, there is growing sense among Republicans that for their contest at least--and perhaps for Democrats--Feb. 5 may not be the end of the line."


And It's Not Even Guy Fawkes Day [Kenneth P. Vogel, The Politico]: "Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) raised an astounding $6 million and change Sunday, his campaign said, almost certainly guaranteeing he'll outraise his rivals for the Republican nomination in the fourth quarter and likely will be able to fund a presence in many of states that vote Feb. 5."

Score One for Barack [Associated Press]: "U.S. Rep. David Loebsack on Monday will announce his endorsement of Barack Obama's bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Loebsack, in his first term representing Iowa's 2nd District, said he would do "everything I can" to aid Obama in the approaching Iowa caucuses."

Going South for the Winter [Michael D. Shear, Washington Post]: "The current center of the political universe is Iowa…but former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has been largely absent from the scrum of candidates there. On Saturday, he delivered a major speech to supporters in balmy central Florida--more than 1,300 miles from ice-packed Des Moines."

Desperation Time for Romney? [Greg Sargent, TPM]: "In yet another sign of the threat Mike Huckabee's surge poses to Mitt Romney's Presidential hopes, the Romney campaign has just dropped a new mailer hitting Huckabee's tax record and comparing him to--gasp!--Bill Clinton."

--Josh Patashnik