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Rhymery Thingies

New York magazine's Vulture has up a list of its favorite quotes from 2007, and it may be the best "Best List" you read all season. A few nuggets:

"It's easy, if you're a poet, to write complex verses like, 'I'm coming after you like VWXYZ.' Just think about that. It's like, 'Yo, V does come after U! That's fucking crazy!' My mind thinks like that all the time, coming up with crazy clever metaphors and rhymery thingies." Will.I.Am on his creative process

"People say, 'Why do you want to put a clothespin on your nuts?' You know why? Because that's what I do for a living." Aaron Eckhart on Method acting

"I do want to apologize publicly for that tape. Not for the tape … just for hanging out with Scott Stapp." Kid Rock on the sex tape he made with Creed front man Stapp and four women

"Many, many people did not watch Arrested Development, but the few who did are handing out some nice jobs in L.A." Jason Bateman on his recent success

Read the whole thing here.

--Christopher Orr