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Carville Cometh?

On MSNBC Andrea Mitchell just asked Terry McAuliffe about a possible Clinton campaign shakeup. I didn't transcribe everything but McAuliffe seemed to say the current team will remain, adding however that some new faces might join. Mitchell threw out the name of James Carville, to which McAuliffe replied, "I would hope James would come in. I would love to have him."

He then hedged, adding that Carville is "making a fortune" as a CNN commentator.

One canny Stump reader argues that--given Hillary's recent charm offensive with the press (off-the-record drinks in Iowa, a press conference here a couple of days ago, loose interviews on shows like Morning Joe)--it's only a matter of time before the press-schmoozing Mike McCurry shows up. 

Update: And then I click on TPM to find Carville denying a report that he's coming back. Ben Smith has more.

Something strange--and probably not healthy for Clintonland--is happening here.

--Michael Crowley