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Clinton Hating, Take 2,356

Fair or not, here's another reminder of why a Hillary candidacy would be problematic in ways that wouldn't apply to anyone with a different last name. In response to her New Hampshire win, Citizens United is peddling its president, long-time Clinton nemesis David Bossie, as an expert analyst. For those who don't immediately recall Bossie's credentials, this press release from the fine folks at Shirley & Banister Public Affairs reminds us:

During Bill Clinton's two terms as president, Mr. Bossie led investigations ranging from the Whitewater land deal to the illegal transfer of dual-use technology to China and the illegal foreign money schemes in the 1996 Clinton re-elction campaign.

Heavy sigh. Even as I feel for Hil, I shudder to think of her in the generals.

--Michelle Cottle