Key Union Backs Obama; Hillary's Got Cash | The New Republic

Key Union Backs Obama; Hillary's Got Cash

Second Thoughts Be Damned [Steven Greenhouse, The New York Times]: "After suffering a setback in New Hampshire, Senator Barack Obama received some welcome news today from two powerful labor unions in Nevada. UNITE HERE, which is by far the most powerful union in Nevada, announced its endorsement of Mr. Obama this afternoon."

Still Rolling In [John Solomon, Washington Post]: "Hillary Clinton's fundraising team raised more money than Democratic rival Barack Obama in the final three months of 2007, staking claim to the biggest fundraiser in the presidential race for the second straight quarter."

Romney Dark Down South [Jonathan Martin, Politico]: "Mitt Romney hasn't extended his television presence into next week in South Carolina and Florida, an aide confirms. Romney has been on TV for months in both states, owning the airwaves long before his GOP rivals purchased their first spots. But his multimillion-dollar investment in the two key states that may ultimately decide the GOP nominee has not paid off as he continues to lag behind rivals there."

A Taste of the Windy City? [Laurie Kellman, Associated Press]: "Barack Obama talked of introducing some Chicago smackdown to his politics of hope Wednesday, seeking a rebound after Hillary Rodham Clinton grasped victory in the New Hampshire primary."

--Josh Patashnik