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Stormin' Norman Backs Mac

Economy, Front and Center [Adam Nagourney, The New York Times]: "The weakened economy and the turmoil in financial markets have helped to cement a gradual shift in emphasis in the presidential campaign to domestic issues from national security, giving the candidates an opportunity on Tuesday to spotlight economic proposals and try to convince voters that they could handle a crisis."

Schwarzkopf on Board [Mike Allen, Politico]: "Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, the heavily decorated Gulf War commander, will endorse Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday, a Republican source said."

Is She Bluffing? [Anne E. Kornblut and Shailagh Murray, Washington Post]: "The next Democratic presidential nominating contest will take place in South Carolina on Saturday, but Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has already turned her full attention to ... delegate-rich pockets of states that will vote in a tidal wave of primaries two weeks from now."

The Turnaround Specialist [Jason Szep, Reuters]: "At rallies in Florida, the next battleground in the Republican presidential race, the wealthy former venture capitalist and Massachusetts governor peppered his usual campaign speech with references to falling stock prices and fears of a recession."

Huck Movin' On [Louise Roug and Dan Morain, Los Angeles Times]: "On the heels of a crucial loss in the South Carolina Republican primary, Mike Huckabee acknowledged Tuesday that he had cut back his campaign operation in Florida, which holds its primary Tuesday."

--Josh Patashnik