Bigger Than Jesus | The New Republic

Bigger Than Jesus

From the Times political blog:

James Carville, a political adviser to the Clintons, said this afternoon that he stood by his comment last Friday – Good Friday, to Christians – comparing Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico to Judas, even though a Clinton campaign aide said today that, if he were Mr. Carville, he would apologize for the remark....

Given that Mr. Richardson held positions in the Clinton administration, and is a friend to Mrs. Clinton, [his endorsement of Barack Obama] constituted an “act of betrayal,” Mr. Carville said. Then he added this coup de grace: “Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic,” Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week....

“You’ll have to ask James if he wants to apologize,” [Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson] said. “If I had said it, I would apologize.” So I called Mr. Carville again and asked if he wanted to revise his remarks or actually apologize. For several seconds he laughed – cackled might be more accurate – and then said he stood by his quote fully.

If this is intended as a form of outreach to religious voters, I don't think it's going to work.

--Christopher Orr