The Operative Phrase Is "far Left" | The New Republic

The Operative Phrase Is "far Left"

I'm not sure I've ever encountered a written passage that so exactly captured the experience of being accosted by a boorish semi-acquaintance at a party as this, by Bill Bennett:

And thus the Democratic party is about to nominate a far left candidate in the tradition of George McGovern, albeit without McGovern’s military and political record. The Democratic party is about to nominate a far-left candidate in the tradition of Michael Dukakis, albeit without Dukakis’s executive experience as governor. The Democratic party is about to nominate a far left candidate in the tradition of John Kerry, albeit without Kerry’s record of years of service in the Senate.

Great to see you too, Bill. I need to go talk to that guy, um, over there. But I'll catch back up with you later.

--Christopher Orr