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Mccain V. Wes Clark, Day 4 [updated]

McCain, keeping the Clark dustup alive:

ARLINGTON, VA -- Today at 10:45 a.m. EDT, U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign will hold a press conference call with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Lt.Col. Orson Swindle, USMC (Ret.) to discuss Gen. Wesley Clark's continued attacks on John McCain, and the Obama campaign's response to them.

That should tell you who thinks they're benefiting from this spat.

Update: This was, of course, yesterday's call. The email just didn't hit my inbox until this morning for some reason, and I've been consumed with a long print piece so am a little out of it this week. Apologies.

I do think the whole episode was bad for Obama in the short term, although if it plants seeds with MSM editors to think more critically about McCain's military experience down the road that would be substantially mitigating.

--Michael Crowley