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Presidential Pop-culture Death Match

If you are like Rob Gordon in High Fidelity and judge people on the things they like and dislike rather than on who they are intrinsically, then you’ll love the Entertainment Weekly feature “My Pop-Culture Favorites” with John McCain and Barack Obama. You can even vote on their pop-culture “platforms.” But the favorites may surprise you. Who loves “M*A*S*H” and “The Dick Van Dyke Show”? Well, that would be celebrity-magnet Obama. Meanwhile, "super old" (thanks Paris!) John McCain has television tastes that are downright hip, with “Dexter,” “The Wire,” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm” making the list. Similarly, Obama goes for red-white-and-blue Spiderman over McCain's edgier Batman choice in the favorite-superhero category. I'm not saying he's getting my vote, but if I need someone to program my DVR, I'm calling McCain.

 --Sacha Zimmerman