More Mccain Real Estate Porn | The New Republic

More Mccain Real Estate Porn

All this talk about McCain's houses gives me an excuse to plug Noam's great story about Cindy McCain, which includes this detail (along with many, many more):

The following January, John Rhodes, the iconic Phoenix representative, decided to retire. The looming primary would determine his successor in such a heavily Republican district, and it attracted two veteran pols in a matter of weeks. But it was McCain who arguably moved the quickest. Within minutes of the announcement, Cindy had found a modest two-story house in a subdivision called The Lakes. The house was in Tempe, just east of Phoenix, and officially made McCain a resident of Rhodes's district.

Anyway, read Noam's piece, and you'll realize Cindy did a lot more than just give McCain the money to own more houses than he can keep track of.

--Jason Zengerle