Lieberman, Then And Now | The New Republic

Lieberman, Then And Now

July 3, 2006: "[L]et me make clear that I am a Democrat and I will remain a Democrat. I am not going to be unaffiliated if I have to petition my way onto the ballot. I'm going to be a Democrat and I will caucus with the Democrats and look forward to caucusing with the Senate Democratic majority."

August 7, 2006: "I’ve been a Democrat for 40 years, I’ll die a Democrat, I’ll probably be a Democrat after my death, I may still be voting Democrat in some cities in Connecticut postmortem."

October 3, 2006: "I’ve given my word that’s what I intend to do. I am going to caucus with the Democrats."

September 8, 2008: Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) received a hero's welcome upon his return to the Senate Monday — from Republicans.... Lieberman stayed huddled with Republicans during his approximately 20 minutes on the floor Monday, never venturing onto the Democratic side of the aisle. He was also engaged in a prolonged conversation with [Jon] Kyl, the GOP minority whip, although that discussion was about energy policy.

--Christopher Orr