Tnr Art Critic Jed Perl Reacts To New Met Director | The New Republic

Tnr Art Critic Jed Perl Reacts To New Met Director

The Metropolitan Museum of Art announced its new director, Thomas P. Campbell, this week, and TNR's venerable art critic Jed Perl couldn't be more delighted. In an article today on, Perl says the Met's decision to go with Campbell "demonstrated that the old guard can still be the avant-garde, for in rejecting some of the high-level museum directors, who one can assume were considered for the job, in favor of Campbell, a dedicated scholar and scrupulous curator, the Metropolitan's Board of Trustees has refused to believe that museums are now mostly about bread and circuses--they have kept faith with the best instincts of the public."

Read Perl's full discussion of Campbell and the exciting future of The Met here.

--The Editors