Reading David Foster Wallace | The New Republic

Reading David Foster Wallace

Following the news of the tragic, untimely death of writer David Foster Wallace on Friday, I reacted in the best way I knew how: I read him. Not all of his work is on the Internet of course, but here are the links I was able to find. They include some of his finest pieces and offer a glimpse into what made him such a distinctive and powerful voice, one that will be sorely missed:

(Update: Harper's has opened its archives of Wallace's writings. Links added below.)

"Host" The Atlantic Monthly, April, 2005
"Consider The Lobster" Gourmet, August, 2004
"The Weasel, Twelve Monkeys, And The Shrub: Seven Days In The Life Of The Late, Great John McCain" Rolling Stone, April 13, 2000*
Video of Wallace reading from the article "Getting Away from Already Being Pretty Much Away from It All" (1994, originally printed as "Ticket To The Fair") and "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again," (1996, originally printed as "Shipping Out") both from Harper's.
"David Lynch Keeps His Head" Premiere, September, 1996                   

"Laughing With Kafka" Harper's, July, 1998
"Federer as Religious Experience" New York Times Play Magazine, August 20, 2006
Transcript of commencement address for Kenyon College, Spring, 2005
"'Borges': Writer On The Couch" New York Times Book Review, November 7, 2004
"Tense Present: Democracy, Usage And The War Over Usage" Harper's, April, 2001
"John Updike, Champion Literary Phallocrat, Drops One; Is This Finally The End For Magnificent Narcissists?" New York Observer, October 13, 1997
"Tennis, Trigonometry, Tornadoes: A Midwestern Boyhood" Harper's, December, 1991                                                                                                                         

"The Compliance Branch" Harper's, February, 2008 (excerpt "from a work in progress")
"Good People" The New Yorker, February 5, 2007
"Incarnations Of Burned Children" Esquire, November 1, 2000
"Brief Interviews With Hideous Men" Harper's, October, 1998
"The Depressed Person" Harper's, January, 1998
"Nothing Happened" Open City, No. 5, 1997
"The Awakening Of My Interest In Annular Systems" Harper's, September, 1993
"Rabbit Resurrected" Harper's, August, 1992
"Everything Is Green" Harper's, September, 1989

See also this video of Wallace's Charlie Rose interview from 1997.

*- Wallace was never satisfied with Rolling Stone's heavy editing of his article. The full version can be read in Consider The Lobster or the standalone McCain's Promise.                                                                                                         

--Max Fisher