The Case Against Babs (cont'd) | The New Republic

The Case Against Babs (cont'd)

Jonathan Martin reports from a McCain rally near Youngstown, Ohio, earlier today:

"He talks about siding with the people just before he flew off for a fundraiser in Hollywood with Barbra Streisand," McCain said of his rival.  "Let me tell you, my friends, there's no place I'd rather be than right here with the working men and women of Ohio."

McCain used the line as his close at an airport hangar rally, drawing loud applause.

See, this crap wouldn't happen if Obama had just stuck with Wilco

P.S. I suppose some people might argue that Streisand's performance is what allows Obama to charge $28,500 a plate for this fundraiser. But do you really think the people who are able to shell out that sort of money are doing it because they want to see Barbara Streisand? They can watch A Star Is Born over and over again in their own private screening rooms. They can hire Babs to play at their birthday parties. Seriously, you don't part with that kind of money for a political contribution just so you can watch Streisand sing a few songs, do you?

--Jason Zengerle