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Obama And India

The transition team says that Obama called Condoleezza Rice tonight for an update on the Mumbai attacks, and also placed a call to the Indian Ambassador. Apparently mindful of the delicate US political situation, Obama told him that " there is just one president at a time," according to a spokesman. Although the world will certainly be more interested in his reaction than in Bush's. Here's the Obama team's official statement:

"President-Elect Obama strongly condemns today's terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and his thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the people of India. These coordinated attacks on innocent civilians demonstrate the grave and urgent threat of terrorism. The United States must continue to strengthen our partnerships with India and nations around the world to root out and destroy terrorist networks.  We stand with the people of India, whose democracy will prove far more resilient than the hateful ideology that led to these attacks,” said Brooke Anderson, Chief National Security Spokesperson

Obama's staff has also been in touch with several branches of the Bush administration, I'm told, including the State Department, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and others.

Michael Crowley