Ford Just Now Hired A Competent P.r. Person | The New Republic

Ford Just Now Hired A Competent P.r. Person

From MarketWatch:

[Ford CEO Alan] Mulally will reportedly drive the 10-hour trek to Washington from Detroit after all three CEOs rankled congressmen by arriving on corporate jets for their first [hearing].

If he comes in a designer Lincoln Town Car outfitted with Provence leather and stocked with finger sandwiches, unlimited Starbucks macchiatos, bottles of Pellegrino, and episodes of Dirty Sexy Money, though, I'm not sure the sacrifice counts. May I suggest making the road trip in a humble Pinto?

P.S. Commenter perkowitz makes the smart point that, symbolism aside, it's a ridiculous waste of time for the presumably overwhelmingly busy CEO of a huge, struggling corporation to drive from Detroit to Washington. And flying economy alongside the masses might send an even more valuable signal, anyway -- remember how McCain harped on his decision to fly coach during the dark days of his primary campaign as evidence of his ability to feel the people's pain? is currently offering a nice nonstop Northwest flight for $333 roundtrip, plus $15 for checking a bag, and buying a can of Pringles on the flight only costs $3. It's not too late to reconsider.

--Eve Fairbanks