As you may have noticed, the presidential campaign--which was the
focus of this blog when it launched in late 2007--has ended. The
forward momentum of the election fallout and the transition has
propelled Noam and me into the New Year. But now it seems that the
rationale for doing our own thing, segregated from our beloved
colleagues over at The Plank, has ended as well. Everyone at TNR will
be obsessively watching and reporting on and writing about the new
administration, and we've decided it's best if we all do it under one happy, bustling,
constantly-updated URL. If you're already a Plank reader then you can
just delete this bookmark, which will soon redirect over there. If not,
update your bookmark so you can find us, and the rest of the TNR gang,
probably have a couple more posts before the switch tomorrow--and Noam may say his own adieu, print deadline allowing. But before I finish here I
want to sincerely thank everyone who read us through the campaign--and
especially those stuck with us after the voting was
over. It was particularly gratifying to run across Stump readers in unexpected places (most memorably when I ran into commenter "jet" at a John Edwards event in Iowa). Extra thanks to all the regular commentators who made things
fun and lively, and that includes both those who called me in the tank for
Hillary and the ones who said I was a Hillary hater. And triple thanks
to the friends, sources and readers who sent in tips and ideas for
items. (I think I've promised a couple kegs worth of thank-you beers
that I still haven't delivered--but I will).
Thanks again, everyone--see you all at The Plank.
--Michael Crowley