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Transition News 1/09

Obama faces opposition from some Democrats on his economic recovery package

What's in store for Panetta at the CIA

Krugman says Obama's "prescription doesn't live up to his diagnosis" of the economy.

Who will be Obama's point-man on terrorism

As Hilda Solis heads in for confirmation with the Senate, WaPo explains why things aren't looking up for labor. 

Politico asks, Who exactly is Sanjay Gupta?

LA Times says there could be another hold-up for Holder, this time from his involvement in clemency for Puerto Rican nationalists. 

Slate explains why Obama has the right touch when it comes to soothing a nervous nation. 

PEOTUS urges for change in U.S. policies on high-tech exports.  

Did Obama snub Howard Dean?

Wait! Obama says U.S. should delay the digital TV switch

As many as a record 500 private planes could come into DC for the inauguration.

--Seyward Darby