Photo Of The Day Iii | The New Republic

Photo Of The Day Iii

The women of EMILY's List, one of Hillary Clinton's most intensely loyal organizational supporters, jubilantly throng an Obama merchandise table after the group's inaugural luncheon on Sunday.

For whatever it's worth, I had pretty much the opposite experience as Seyward did at a PUMA outpost. Seyward found little love for Obama at a Gloria Steinem-headlined women's lunch on Saturday, but the EMILY's list women's lunch overflowed with it. The event -- which was packed with more than 2,000 women giddily taking commemorative snapshots with each other at their tables -- kicked off with a huge video montage of Obama photos shown on Jumbotrons. Ellen Malcolm, the group's famously Hillary-devoted leader, told attendees at an EMILY's list June luncheon that she was feeling "emotionally fragile," but there was no more public hesitation yesterday: After the women-and-Obama themed video, she took to the podium and screamed, "We did it! Bush is going back to Texas, and Barack Obama is going to be president of the United States!", grinning and raising her arms -- which were draped in a red veil -- like some kind of prophetess come in to Zion.

--Eve Fairbanks