The Great Oration Of Barack Obama | The New Republic

The Great Oration Of Barack Obama

Well, there's nothing that tugs me out of a deep sense of the good more quickly than one of John Judis' churlish and bumptious obiter dicta.  His assault on Barack Obama's inaugural address is a case in point.  It was clear to me that Obama was trying to establish the moral and practical first principles of his administration, opening his agenda to as many Americans as are willing to join him.  He also put on first record two agenda items that will especially disturb, first, the Republican opposition and, second, many of Obama's liberal enthusiasts.

What will upset the conservatives are the president's pronouncements on the environmental calamity into which we are quickly drifting and his commitment to lift us out of the flood.  (I wondered what good thoughts Al Gore was having, listening to these thoughts more clearly enunciated than Bill Clinton ever did.) What will distress important sectors of the Democratic camp is Obama's thematic homage to those who fought and died for our country -in Concord and Gettysburg, in Normandy and at Khe Sanh, yes, Khe Sanh.  But it's not just seepages where blood was shed long ago.

It is here and now. I suspect that in his intelligence briefings and military memoranda he learned much that he did not know as a junior senator and much that he did not care to know as a young man.  (Frank Foer made this very point to me.)  So this is what the president cares to convey now, not only this as eloquent words, but this as both ideal and strategy:

        As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and out ideals...   
        Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and
        tanks , but with sturdy ideals and enduring convictions...We will not apologize for our way of life,
        nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing and
        slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you
        cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.


These are not welcome words to many of Obama's initial enthusiasts.  It is no surprise that also John Judis does not like them.

A few weeks ago, he gave us all a reading list, one part condescending, another utterly irrelevant.  My guess is that Barack Obama has never read Das Kapital, not even the first volume which Judis especially recommends.  And the president certainly hasn't read Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy's Monopoloy Capital, which poor John has been "reading and rereading" for decades.  Obama probably hasn't even heard of G.A. Cohen's Karl Marx's Theory of History, which Judis pronounces "of all the books I've read in the last twenty or thirty years, it's the best."   Wow!