Steele: Gop Still Too Large | The New Republic

Steele: Gop Still Too Large

Prodded by Fox News's Neil Cavuto on what "retribution" he will exact against Senators Snowe, Collins, and Specter for their stimulus votes, RNC chairman Michael Steele suggests forthcoming primary challenges and says he'll consider withholding RNC funds from the offending moderates: "I'm always open to everything, baby, absolutely." Because who needs the advantages of incumbency when trying to retain GOP seats in blue states?


But you'll know Steele is really angry with these heretics when he targets them with his electoral coalition of urban-suburban hip-hop youth and one-armed midgets.

In other GOP Senate news, vulnerable red-state incumbent Jim Bunning threatens to sue the NRSC if it recruits a candidate to run against him.

--Christopher Orr