Baseball Season Is Health Wonk Season | The New Republic

Baseball Season Is Health Wonk Season

If you're reading this blog, chances are good that you are a health wonk. And if you are a health wonk, you should be reading the Health Wonk Review.

Health Wonk Review is a biweekly collection of posts about health care from around the blogosphere, spanning different specialties, topics, and worldviews. Two of my very favorite bloggers, Matthew Holt and Joe Paduda, established it. Participants take turns hosting it.

This week, the Wonk Review appearing at Health Access, the site of Treatment contributor Anthony Wright. Cleverly, he has decided to package this edition with a baseball theme, since the season begins in just a few days.

Anthony, who grew up in the Bronx, goes out of his way to drop references to the Yankees, which is unfortunate but not unbearable. The content shines through anyway. And poor Anthony, well, it's been a long time since he's gotten to celebrate one World Championship, let alone two.

Update: While we're on the subject of housekeeping, I'm now twittering, or tweeting, or whatever you call it at jcohntnr. 

--Jonathan Cohn