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The G8 Farce

As prospects for what are essentially Iranian freedom fighters grew ever more grim, the Group of 8 met in Trieste, Italy, uttering nothing of any consequence. Yes, according to Nazila Fathi and Alan Cowell in the Times, the foreign ministers "deplored" this and "urged" that, all without any hope of affecting anything. The Soviet foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, expressed Russia's "most serious concern" about violence while also assuring the mullahs that "it would not intervene in Iran's internal affairs."

This meeting was actually a charade. No one is going to intervene in Iran's internal affairs. Not one of the most powerful countries has even made moves to impose drastic sanctions on the Tehran regime.

And where was Hillary Clinton? She was nursing a fractured elbow.

Totally debilitating, we are to assume.