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Films Worth Seeing

This Week's Movie Picks from TNR's Film Critic

(Click on a film's title to read SK's original review.)

Blame It on Fidel. The radical political ferment of the 1970s seen principally through the eyes of a nine-year-old girl in a Franco-Spanish home. Directed knowingly by Julie Gavras, daughter of Costa-Gavras, and absorbingly performed by the entire cast. (Reviewed 8/20/07)

Lady Chatterley. A young French director, Pascale Ferran, aided by first-class actors, brings unusual heat and embrace to this latest film of Lawrence's novel. The aim was to recreate the atmosphere of intoxicating passion, rather than merely detail sex, and the result is gripping. (7/27/07)

Molière. About a stretch of several months in the early life of the actor-playwright very little is known. This film pleasantly fantasticates on those months as the seedbed of the great plays to come. Romain Duris makes a credible Molière: Fabrice Luchini and Laura Morante excel. (8/6/07)

Primo Levi's Journey. When Levi was released from Auschwitz in 1945, it took him eight months to get back to Turin. In this documentary an Italian filmmaker retraces Levi's steps today, recording the Europe that has come about in the intervening years. The mere idea of the film holds us, and there's more to come. (8/20/07)


By Stanley Kauffmann