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The Times Admits that its Reviewer is Dumber Than the Book He Reviewed

Tony Horwitz, who knows less than nothing about Israel, reviewed Israel is Real: An Obsessive Quest to Understand the Jewish Nation and its History by Rich Cohen, who knows just nothing, no more, no less. These two are among those who are nostalgic for the European (and Muslim) Diaspora that dealt so civilly with its Jews in exile, as the Times itself felt during the most searing years.

In "Paper Cuts," a Times "blog about books" (September 1), Steven Coates collects letters to the editor about the review. Not a one supports Cohen and not a one supports Horwitz either.

The fact is that if you are a half-wit knowing nothing about politics and less than nothing about a sure way to get published is to write about Israel. Many people have tried it and succeeded. Hey, try it yourself.

And give half your fee to the Jewish National Fund, which made it all possible.