From The TNR Archive: Cass R. Sunstein | The New Republic

From The TNR Archive: Cass R. Sunstein

Harvard Law professor and TNR contributing editor Cass R. Sunstein was confirmed as the Obama adminisration's regulatory czar today when the Senate approved Sunstein's nomination by a vote of 57 to 40. And that gives us a very good reason to look back at some of the pieces Sunstein has written for TNR in his nearly two decade history with the magazine. Click here for the archive of Sunstein's TNR work. Below, you'll find just a taste:

"The Visionary Minimalist: Toward A Theory Of Obama-ism," January 30, 2008. Sunstein explains the complexity of Obama's political vision, as he is both a minimalist and a visionary, thinking pragmatically but also promising large-scale change.

"Federal Appeal: Massachusetts Gets It Right," December 22, 2003. Sunstein explains why the 2003 Massachusetts decision to repeal a prohibiton on same-sex marriage is an example of "the federal system at its best."

"Vanity Fair," March 29, 1999. Sunstein looks at the American culture of excess and Robert H. Frank's interesting theory of "luxury fever."

"Where Politics Ends," August 3, 1992. Sunstein examines the fine line between "law" and "politics."

"The Spirit Of The Laws," March 11, 1991. In his first piece for TNR, Sunstein approaches the complexities of constitutional interpretation.