A Bit of Comic Relief From Official Saudi Television: An Important Sheikh Describes the Virgins of Paradise. And How Does He Know? | The New Republic

A Bit of Comic Relief From Official Saudi Television: An Important Sheikh Describes the Virgins of Paradise. And How Does He Know?

Special Dispatch | No. 2573 | October 1, 2009

Saudi Arabia/Jihad & Terrorism Studies Project       

Saudi Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid Describes the Virgins of Paradise, Says That In Paradise, A Man Has the Strength of 100 in Eating, Drinking, and Sex

Following are excerpts from an interview with Saudi Islamist lecturer and author Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid, which aired on Al-Majd TV on July 25, 2009 (To view this clip, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2237.htm.)
Sheikh Al-Munajid is known for his controversial statements and fatwas – including a fatwa stating that Mickey Mouse should be killed. He called the 2008 Beijing Olympics the "bikini Olympics" and referred to them as "satanic," and has stated that women must not exercise in public. He has also discussed how Western "beasts" use public toilets and wear colored underwear "to conceal all that filth."
Following the December 2004 Southeast Asia earthquake and tsunami, Al-Munajid called the disaster "punishment" for sex tourism on New Year's Eve and for drunkenness on Christmas.(1)

To view the MEMRI TV page for Sheikh Al-Munajid, visit http://www.memritv.org/subject/en/517.htm.

"The Women of Paradise Are Pure, Unblemished, Menstruation-Free, Free of Feces, Urine, Phlegm, Children"

Interviewer: "How does one conduct relationships in Paradise – whether with the black-eyed virgins or with Muslim women who entered Paradise?
"Muhammad Al-Munajid: Allah said that the black-eyed virgins are beautiful white young women, with black pupils and very white retinas, whose skin is so delicate and bright that it causes confusion. Allah said that they are like hidden pearls. They have wide eyes, and they have not been touched by man or jinn. They are virgins, who yearn for their husbands. They are all the same age, morally and physically beautiful. They are like precious gems and pearls in their splendor, their clarity, their purity, and their whiteness. They are like hidden pearls – as pure as a pearl within a shell, untouched by man. Each one of them is so beautiful that you can see the bone-marrow through the delicate flesh on their legs.
"Such brilliant beauty does not exist in this world. Where can you find such beauty? Whereas the women of this world may suffer, for days and nights, from menstruation, from blood for 40 days after childbirth, from vaginal bleeding and from diseases – the women of Paradise are pure, unblemished, menstruation-free, free of feces, urine, phlegm, children... Moreover, Allah cleaned them of all impure and foul things, both in appearance and character.
"In character, they are not jealous, hateful, or angry. They are not greedy." [...]

In Paradise, The Women "Are Restricted to Tents, Locked Up for the Husband – There Is No Such Thing as Going Out"

"They are restricted to tents, locked up for the husband. There is no such thing as going out. When he comes home – they are there. There is no such thing in Paradise as a man coming home and not finding his wife there. Allah described them as women who lower their gaze, and never look at anybody but their husband. As for deriving pleasure – the man is given the strength of..."
Interviewer: "Sheikh Muhammad, you said she looks only at her husband, but today, things are different. Today, husbands don't look only at their wives, or vice versa – except for a few, on whom Allah has taken mercy."

"In Paradise, a Man Gets the Strength of 100 Men When It Comes To Eating, Drinking, Passion, And Sex"

Muhammad Al-Munajid: "There are some pious, pure men, who have eyes only for their wives, and there are some pious, pure, and obedient wives, who have eyes only for their husbands. But today, in the marketplace, in films, and so on, people's eyes roam freely. The Internet... The people of this world... There is a big difference when it comes to deriving pleasure.
"In this world, men work hard and tire themselves out in order to derive pleasure. The Prophet Muhammad says that in Paradise, a man gets the strength of 100 men when it comes to eating, drinking, passion, and sex."

(1) For more on Sheikh Al-Munajid, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 2123, "MEMRI Generates Debate Between Arab Reformists and Extremist Islamist Sheikhs Over Call to Kill Mickey Mouse," November 21, 2008, http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP212308#_edn1; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 2020, "Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Munajid Slams Beijing Olympics: Nothing Makes Satan Happier Than The 'Bikini' Olympics," August 12, 2008, http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP202008.