What Has Two Long Ears And Powers Lightbulbs? | The New Republic

What Has Two Long Ears And Powers Lightbulbs?

Sweden's newest renewable energy source? Adorable little bunnies:

Every year, the city of Stockholm kills off thousands of rabbits in an effort to protect trees and shrubbery in the city’s extensive network of parks and green space. ...

Tuvunger explained that it doesn’t take many newly released rabbits to do what rabbits are known for doing, much to the detriment of Stockholm’s efforts to control the size of its rabbit population. ...

But rather than simply disposing of the dead rabbits, the city instead froze them for eventual transport to a special heating plant in Karlskoga in central Sweden, where the bunny bodies are then burned as a form of bioenergy.

Uh. Well, as long as you're thinning out the rabbit population anyway, may as well recycle, no?