A Huge Majority of Americans Would Support Military Action Against Iran | The New Republic

A Huge Majority of Americans Would Support Military Action Against Iran

I know that we don't (and we shouldn't) make our foreign policy by public opinion polls.  But, while 63 percent of Americans believe we should try negotiations (which, of course, we've been doing so ad nauseum that even Hillary Clinton has gotten impatient), 64 percent are quite sure they won't work.

So what do we do then?  Sixty-one percent say it is more important to prevent Tehran from developing nuclear weapons, even if it requires military action.

The polling--done by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press--reveals a profound skepticism of the likelihood that either negotiations or sanctions will work to stop Iran from making nuclear weapons.

I believe that if the administration continues with its self-deception there will emerge an unprecedented popular clamor for missiles and bombs, and the Obami will be left virtually alone with its illusions.