- Can the Courts Save Us From the Stupak Amendment? by Jeffrey Rosen
- Frenemies: The Testy Relationship Between Obama and the EU by Roland Flamini
- ‘Precious’ Is Groundbreaking and Deserves to Be Seen. But It’s Also the Apotheosis of Oprah-ism by Christopher Orr
- The Right Way to Tame the Fed. PLUS, Khimm on the Liberal Case Against the Fed by Noam Scheiber
- You Can Oppose ‘Roe V. Wade’ Without Being an Evil Person by Harold Pollack
- What on Earth is Malcolm Gladwell Talking About? by Isaac Chotiner
- How Much Will $37 Trillion Help in Combating Climate Change? by Bradford Plumer
- Grading Obama’s New Education Reform Initiative by Seyward Darby
As always, be sure to check out economic news on The Stash, environment and energy coverage on The Vine, the latest on health care at The Treatment, metro policy debate on The Avenue, and Marty Peretz's The Spine. Also be sure to take a look at TNR's new blogs by William Galston, Simon Johnson, Ed Kilgore, Damon Linker, and John McWhorter.