An Index for Palin's Book? You Betcha! | The New Republic

An Index for Palin's Book? You Betcha!

Sarah Palin’s autobiography Going Rogue doesn’t have an index. Why? Well, I’m not exactly sure. But it sure makes finding gems in the text--such as the defense of that $150,000 clothing bill, the petty attacks on Katie Couric, and Palin-isms like “maverick” and “dang!”--a pretty tough slog. So, here’s an index. A really, really long and thorough one. Want to know where Palin celebrated one of her baby showers with her gal pals? It’s in here. Want to know how she feels about the ACLU, or Ashley Judd, or Steve Schmidt? In here, too. Want to know how many times she mentions God, or Ronald Reagan, or Tito the Builder? Yep, here. It’s worth reading the whole thing. Here are some of the choicest selections, just to whet the appetite. The full index is here.

Baby shower at a shooting range 76

Beer, first chug of 38

"Cleavage Czar" 354

Iraq war

Palin's informed perspective on 214

Media's skewing of Palin's informed perspective on 238

"Holy geez!" 171

Biden, Joe                    

On liking to hear himself talk 288

Sarah Palin accidentally calling him "O'Biden" 289

Should Palin call him "Joe" in the debate? 289

Showing up late to debate 296

Weirdly stretching before debate 296

Hair plugs of 297

Joe the Plumber 304-307, 401

Joe Six-Pack  299, 315

Kerry, John, as "elitist loon" 181


Hunting of 16, 31

Love of eating 18

Sightings of 20, 113, 188

Dressing of 31

Holding eyeballs of 32

Chili made of 133

Antlers of 300

In SNL sketch 309, 311

Obama, Barack

As "not saying much in his speeches" 227

Lack of international experience 228 229

Lack of administrative experience 229

"Styrofoam Greek columns" of 243

Rallies of, whose size was comparable to those of Sarah Palin 266

Radical associations of 359

As cause of rising deficit 388

People or groups who have been mean to/spread rumors about/slighted/insulted/otherwise annoyed Sarah Palin

Wasilla "good ol' boys" 71-72

Nick Carney 73

Nick Carney's wife 77

Wasilla police chief 73-74, 79

People who thought Palin's daughter was smoking pot, when in reality it was the old mayor's daughter 74-75

Ann Kilkenny

As "Birkenstock-and-granola Berkeley grad" 76

As "town crier" 117

          As "town crank" 236

Wasilla librarian 77

Wasilla city employees 72

Mayor's secretary 90

John Stein 79-80 236 237

Opponent in the lieutenant governor's race 83-84, 72-73

Governor Frank Murkowski 91-93, 98

GOP operatives 98

State Democrats 98

Hollis French 100, 201. 369

Walt Monegan 201

Big Oil 158,159, 164, 196

State senate president 182, 183, 184

Hypothetical critics of fifth pregnancy 171

First legislative director 152

State lawmakers who didn’t like her new rules as governor 152, 154

Gubernatorial debate moderator 116

Andrew Halcro 117, 203, 236

"Maniacal blogger" 236

Andree McLeod 117, 236, 353, 354, 367

Alaska media 118, 183, 342, 367

McCain campaign 229, 234-236, 253-255, 256-257, 261, 268-269, 280-285, 293, 298, 307, 309, 316-319, 328, 331, 334-339, 343, 363

                Steve Schmidt 235, 253, 264-265, 284-285, 318, 320-321

                Nicolle Wallace 277, 316, 339

                Mark Wallace 281, 283, 339

National media 215, 232, 236-238, 270-271, 280, 314, 316-318, 338-339, 343-348, 351,353, 359, 371, 378, 399

                The Atlantic Monthly 238

                The Huffington Post 238, 354

                Katie Couric  271-279, 315

Obama campaign, along with media 215, 232

The Left 307

Alec Baldwin 313-314

Women's rights groups 352

Pete Rouse 369

Kim Elton 368-269

Naomi Rice Buchwald 372

Local Alaskan opposition 344, 353-356, 365-367, 373

"You betcha" 309

Click here to read the whole thing.