You Think the American Relationship With Pakistan Is Fraught Now... | The New Republic

You Think the American Relationship With Pakistan Is Fraught Now...

...but just imagine if this scenario had played out:

Shortly after 9/11, President Bush had issued a “lethal finding,” giving the C.I.A. the go-ahead to kill or capture al-Qaeda members. (Under an executive order issued by President Gerald Ford, it had been illegal since 1976 for U.S. intelligence operatives to conduct assassinations.)...

Among the team’s targets, according to a source familiar with the program, was Mamoun Darkazanli, an al-Qaeda financier living in Hamburg who had been on the agency’s radar for years because of his ties to three of the 9/11 hijackers and to operatives convicted of the 1998 bombings of U.S. Embassies in East Africa. The C.I.A. team supposedly went in “dark,” meaning they did not notify their own station—much less the German government—of their presence; they then followed Darkazanli for weeks and worked through the logistics of how and where they would take him down. Another target, the source says, was A. Q. Khan, the rogue Pakistani scientist who shared nuclear know-how with Iran, Libya, and North Korea. The C.I.A. team supposedly tracked him in Dubai. In both cases, the source insists, the authorities in Washington chose not to pull the trigger. [Italics Mine]

This is taken from Vanity Fair's profile of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater (now known as Xe). Prince had been chosen by the C.I.A. to help train the team. Anyway, if the Agency had assassinated Khan, one can only imagine what the repercussions would have been. Khan is considered a hero by many Pakistanis for his role as the "father" of the country's nuclear program.