Kauffmann: Films Worth Seeing | The New Republic

Kauffmann: Films Worth Seeing

Films Worth Seeing

Before Tomorrow. Imperfect film-making but a warm and interesting experience. Life among the Intuits in their Arctic homeland as it was before the white man came. Ice and snow and harpooning and primary eating never seemed so congenial. (12/30/09)

The MessengerThis truly memorable war film takes place entirely in the U.S. We follow two veteran soldiers who are in the bereavement notification service. The drama is less in the notification scenes than in the slow but sinuous way that the work affects these two. Excellent performances, lithe dialogue, knowing direction. (12/30/09)

Police, Adjective.  From Romania, a strange and subtle film about a young small-town detective. He is so committed to intensive work on a minor case that his story becomes a commentary on the way that time itself becomes colored by the job one is in. Intelligently directed. (In our upcoming 2/4/2010 issue.)

The Young Victoria.  Focus on her early years allows the film to concentrate on her courtship and her marriage to Albert. The material could not be fresh, but the screenplay is so deft and the performances so graceful that the effect is a quasi-revelation. Especially notable are the gorgeous costumes and the exquisite lighting. (In our upcoming 2/4/2010 issue.)

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