TNR on Haiti | The New Republic

TNR on Haiti

The tragic earthquake in Haiti is not the first misfortune to befall our Caribbean neighbor. From slave revolts to military coups to armed U.S. intervention, the country has suffered countless natural and man-made misfortunes since it gained independence. From the TNR archives, read the best of our Haitian coverage:

"Island of Disenchantment" by Charles Lane (9/29/1997) Haiti's slow slide into chaos.

“Commander in Chief” by the Editors (10/10/1994) President Clinton’s first real military intervention.

Love and Haiti” by Amy Wilentz (7/4/1993) Can Aristide come home now?

Who’s Killing Haiti?” by Andrew Sullivan (2/1/1988) A democracy expires.

Slaves and Slaughter” by David S. Landes (3/10/1986) Haiti's horrible history.

(Click here to read Brad Plumer on why the Haiti quake has been so destructive.)

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