The Devil And Sherlock Holmes | The New Republic

The Devil And Sherlock Holmes

The New Yorker's David Grann has a new collection of his best reported work, entitled "The Devil and Sherlock Holmes: Tales of Murder, Madness, and Obsession." It's a collection of the best of his incredibly fine work.

From experience I know that non-journalists often pay little attention to the byline of the author they read, while journalists, for obvious reasons, pay obsessive attention to it. So in case you're one of those people who hasn't filed every David Grann article under the mental category of "David Grann article," you should know that if at any point over the last, oh, decade, you've read a piece of long-form narrative journalism that takes you inside some fascinating, strange, or terrifying corner of the world, and you've thought to yourself that this ranks among the most compelling things you've ever read, and you couldn't put it down when you were reading it and you couldn't stop thinking about it after you'd finished, it was probably written by him.

David is a friend of mine, but it's not as if our friendship has biased my opinion. Among journalists, his work is held in something very close to awe. Treat yourself to this journalistic treasury.